To summarise:
My initial goal when creating this blog was to document my escape from Wisconsin. I've had enough of the too hot summers and too cold winters, and I want a change. My plan had been to just find employment on an IT help desk, or general IT Consultant work, or something similar, then save up money and move. In the past, this type of work strategy has worked out for me well, as I was receiving many offers for work while on contract at Aurora Healthcare. That was all pretty much pre-recession. Then the recession hit, and I've been out of work looking for a job for about 4 months now. Clearly this is not working.
So my new tactic is this:
I will finish up my college degree at UWM, while teaching myself things not specifically required for the course work in order to make myself more marketable when I do finish college. In the meantime I will be looking for internships etc...
Primary among the things I'd like to learn are things I've seen advertised in job listings, like SQL database, Python, Java, .Net...Cisco...basically a wide variety of things. Before that I'd like to get my Net+ certification.
This seems like a logical course of action, since I will be the only one responsible for growing my skill set and knowledge base, and I can earn certifications regardless of whether or not I'm in school.
Has anyone else had experience with learning these skills? Any other current job seekers out there? Current college students? What do you think of my revised plan?